
  • Bereziuk Oleg Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Vishtak Inna Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Lemeshev Mykhailo Vinnytsia National Technical University




dynamics, growth of the volumes of the formation, solid industrial waste, scrap, regression analysis


Solid industrial waste, in particular, metal working waste, can be widely used in the construction sphere for obtaining valuable materials for the production of the construction materials with the protective qualities against electromagnetic radiation and static electricity, for manufacturing of the anode earthing, etc. That is why, determination of the regression dependence, describing the dynamics of the scrap volume growth in Ukraine is an actual scientific-engineering problem. Aim of the research is determination of the regression dependence, which describes the dynamics of the scrap volume growth in Ukraine and can be used for the prediction of these volumes. In the process of the research the method of the regressive analysis of the results of the single factor experiments and other pairwise dependences with the selection of the rational type of the function from the sixteen most widely used variants by the criterion of maximum value of the correlation coefficient was applied. Regression was carried out on the base of the linearized transformations, which allow to reduce the non-linear dependence to linear one.

Determination of the coefficients of the regression equations was carried out applying the method of the least squares by means of the developed computer program "RegAnaliz", protected by the Certificate of the State Registration of the rights to the copyright object. Adequate regression power dependence is obtained, it describes the dynamics of the scrap volume formation in Ukraine and can be used for the prediction of these volumes. Graphic dependence, describing the dynamics of the scrap formation volume in Ukraine is constructed, it enables to illustrate this dynamics and show sufficient coincidence of the theoretical results with actual results. It is established that in Ukraine in the period of 2017 – 2020 volumes of scrap formation increased by hyperbolic dependence. Using the obtained dependence it is forecast that the volumes of the scrap formation in Ukraine in 2030 at present rate of growth will increase to 1132 thousand tons.

Author Biographies

Bereziuk Oleg, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr.  Sc.  (Eng.), Assistant Professor with the Department of Health and Safety, Pedagogy of Safety

Vishtak Inna, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assistant Professor with the Department of Health and Safety, Pedagogy of Safety

Lemeshev Mykhailo, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assistant Professor with the Department of Civil Engineering, Municipal Management and Architecture


Abstract views: 157



How to Cite

O. Bereziuk, I. Vishtak, and M. Lemeshev, “DYNAMICS OF SCAP VOLUMEFORMATION INCREASE IN UKRAINE”, Works of VNTU, no. 4, Oct. 2022.



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