concrete, radiation-protection properties, fine grain concrete, formulaton-technologic parameters, mineral matrix, metal-saturated composite materialAbstract
The paper contains the materials of the studies which prove that the construction sphere in the 21st century requires the application of new efficient, low cost construction materials specially designed for the protection against hazardous ecological factors. Methods of designing the compositions of concretes and technology of the special-purpose construction materials production is considered. The importance of studying the problems, dealing with the necessity of the development of the heavy concretes, able to shield the penetrating radiation is stated. The available developments in the sphere of the construction materials science are considered, the peculiarities of the technological parameters of obtaining special-purpose concretes on the base of the mineral binders are allocated. It is noted that the application of various by physical-chemical characteristics concrete aggregates on the base of mineral binders, allows to obtain composite materials, having wide range of operation properties. Experimental studies proved the possibility to regulate the construction engineering and electric physical properties of fine grain concretes using small-size metal aggregates, obtained from the machining waste. The possibility to regulate the technological parameters of the metal- saturated concretes for the obtaining of the composite material with the radiation-protection properties is underlined. It was determined that during the addition of the small-size metal aggregate to 35 % of the pts in the structure of the flow mixtures micro compaction of the structure takes place and the increase of the water demand of the forming solution is observed . As a result of using the technology of the mechanical compaction of the structure of the dispersed-filled products, sample-models of the radiation-proof coating with the average density of up to 2910 kg/m3 are obtained. Application of the technology of the artificial synthesis of the matrix metal-saturated dense structure of the dispersed -filled conglomerate with the large area of the internal surfaces of the phases separation will provide the products made of special concrete the ability to weaken ionizing radiation fluxes in the body of the barrier screen. The possibility to regulate radiation-protection properties of the concretes by changing formulation -technological parameters of the composite material production is substantiated. It is shown that due to physical-chemical processes of the disperse-filled structures formation the volumetric electroconducting matrix is formed in the body of the fine-grain metal-saturated concrete, each component of the matrix differs by its electrical physical properties. According to the laws of quantum physics ionizing electromagnetic radiation possesses simultaneously wave and corpuscular properties, the absorption of the penetrating radioactive radiation in the structure of the material occurs due to the repeated reflections and diffusions of the radiation flux by the surface of the metal and the intensity of electromagnetic waves will decrease by the counteraction field, excited in the volume of the electroconducting matrix. Regulation of the formulation -technological parameters of the fine grain concrete by filling matrix mineral structures with the reaction able metal powder and formation of the iron-containing hydrosilicates with elevated concentration of the constitutional water will identify the obtained composition material with the special multilayer metal-water shields.
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