About the Journal
Electronic scientific journal "Scientific works of Vinnytsia National Technical University" was founded in 2006. Since 2007 the edition is available on the Web sites of Vinnytsia National Technical University, V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine and is included by the Supreme Certifying Commission of Ukraine to the List of Scientific Specialized Editions of Ukraine in the field of engineering sciences.
The aim of the edition is publication of new scientific information, obtained as a result of the research activity of leading scientists of Ukraine, other countries and its communication in Ukraine and abroad. The content of the edition comprises the original scientific articles or articles of the survey character which have not been published before. The journal is bilingual, it is published in Ukrainian and English languages, “Scientific works of Vinnytsia National Technical University” is a quarterly journal. The journal has been assigned the international identifier DOI 10.31649/2307-5376.
Editor- in -Chief of the journal is Komar Viacheslav, Doctor of Science (Engineering) Professor with the Department of Electric Stations and Systems. The Editorial Beard comprises forty nine Ukrainian specialists in engineering sciences and twelve foreign specialists in engineering sciences, they represent not only VNTU and Universities of Ukraine but Universities of Europe and neighboring states.
Electronic scientific edition "Scientific works of Vinnytsia National Technical University" is indexed by scientometric base Google Scholar.