Scientific Works of Vinnytsia National Technical University <p>Scientific Works of Vinnytsia National Technical University (ISSN&nbsp;2307-5392) is online quarterly&nbsp;peer-reviewed&nbsp;scientific journal on technical sciences.&nbsp;It is English version of the journal&nbsp;<strong>Praci Vinnytskogo Natsionalnogo Technichnogo Universitetu</strong>&nbsp;(ISSN&nbsp;2307-5376).</p> en-US (Petro D. Lezhniuk) (Volodymyr Vasyl'ovich Netrebskyy) Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 OJS 60 STRUCTURAL PECULARITIES OF NEUROLIKE OBJECT CLASSIFIER <p>Classification of the objects of various designation is the most involved procedure in the sphere of image recognition. Classification procedure is especially efficient in medical diagnostics where input features are biomedical symptoms and the output data is the disease diagnosis. In case, when the statistical methods of objects description are used, discriminant analysis has performed well, in particular, on the base of discriminant functions. On the other hand, methods of classification, applying neural technologies are of great interest.</p> <p>The given study contains the analysis of structural peculiarities of neurolike object classifier, used in the process of discriminant functions classification. Kohonen map SOFM was taken as a basic model, it has 2D organization and determines metric and topologic dependences of the input signals. The study also considers the alternative approach to the quantitative measure of proximity as classification criterion. The approach is used where the formation of linear discriminant functions and their pairwise comparison is not performed, this enables «not to grow» linear discriminant functions but process on the level of their addends with gradual resetting to the moment, when one non-zero linear discriminant function is left. In this case there exists the possibility to form object occurrence ranks to the determined classes.</p> <p>Two dimensional structure of neurolike classifier is suggested, basic unit of which is matrix calculator (maximizer). It is realized in the form of two maps – 2D computational map and 1D map of features. Neurosimilarity of the structure of the suggested classifier is stipulated by the fact that for the formation of the computation map three basic self-organization processes are used, namely, competition, cooperation and synaptic adaptation. The given paper contains the table with the comparative characteristic of Kohonen map and the suggested matrix calculator as a part of neurolike classifier.</p> Martyniuk Tetiana; Kozhemiako Andriy; Katashynskyi Dmytro, Bulyga Іgor Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0200 NOISE AS ERGONOMIC FACTOR OF THE PRODUCTION PROCESS <p>In the conditions of the sophisticated technical equipment, complex mechanization and automation of production, informatization of the society, when the labor productivity depends first all on the skillful use of machines there appears urgent need in the combination of labor with production tools, implementation of such forms and methods of machines maintenance which provide their efficient application on conditions of maintaining the staff health and high productivity.</p> <p>Some production processes are accompanied by great noise. The sources of the intensive noise on the production site are machines and mechanisms with the unbalanced rotating masses as well as technological units and installations, where the motion of gases and fluids occurs at great speed and is of pulsating character.</p> <p><em>The</em> <em>given</em> <em>research</em> <em>applies</em> <em>to</em> <em>the</em> <em>determination</em> <em>of</em> <em>the</em> <em>operation</em> <em>staff</em> <em>safety</em> <em>under</em> <em>the</em> <em>impact</em> <em>of</em> <em>one</em> <em>of</em> <em>the</em> <em>most</em> <em>dangerous</em> <em>factors</em><em>-</em><em>noise</em><em>. </em></p> <p><em>It has been determined that noise as any other factor of the environment, exercises impact on human organism. Studies of biological impact of noise on human organism showed that this impact depends on physical parameters of the sound</em><em>. </em><em>It</em> <em>should</em> <em>be</em> <em>noted</em> <em>that</em> <em>this</em> <em>impact</em> <em>depends</em> <em>not</em> <em>only</em> <em>on</em> <em>the</em> <em>spectrum</em> <em>of</em> <em>acoustic</em> <em>frequencies</em><em>, </em><em>amplitude</em> <em>and</em> <em>loudness</em> <em>but</em> <em>on</em> <em>the</em> <em>sequence of their emergence and how human can get used to them</em><em>.</em></p> <p><em>It has been established that as a result of long term impact of noise on human organism normal functioning of cardiac-vascular and nervous system, digestive and hematopoietic organs can be disrupted, professional deafness develops &nbsp;its further progressing may cause complete hearing loss.</em></p> Borysiuk Dmytro; Spirin Anatolyi, Prysiazhniuk Dmytro, Tverdokhlib Igor Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0200 ANALYSIS OF THE CONSTRUCTIONS AND DRIVES OF THE WORKING ELEMENTS OF THE MECHANISMS FOR THE COMPACTION OF SOLID MUNICIPAL WASTE IN THE DUSTCART <p>Every year more than 54 mil. m<sup>3</sup> of solid municipal waste is accumulated in Ukraine, 93.8 % of this volume are transported to the landfills and dumps, 2 % are burnt at incineration plants and 4.2 % are directed in the sites of collection of secondary raw materials and waste processing plants. That is why, public utilities of Ukraine must have at their disposal highly productive and multifunctional specialized motor vehicles, in particular, dustcarts, intended for the efficient collection of solid municipal waste (SMW).</p> <p>The objective of the given research is the analysis of the constructions and drives of the working elements for the mechanisms, intended for the compaction of solid municipal waste in the dustcart for determining the possibilities of their further improvement. The research contains the analysis of the constructions and drives of the working elements of the mechanisms for solid municipal waste compaction in the dustcarts, analyzing the scientific literature sources to identify the possible ways of their efficiency improvement. Hydraulic drive of the working elements of the mechanisms for solid municipal waste compaction in the dustcart is supplied from the pump station of the dustcart. It has been determined that the general problem of this type of machines is the usage of the hydraulic drive on the base of one fixed pump. This creates the situation when for the regulation of the operation speed of the working elements part of the working fluid is directed under high pressure to the hydraulic tank across the relief valve, this results in considerable unproductive power losses.</p> <p>The study, carried out, confirms that one of the methods for the improvement of the mechanisms of solid municipal waste compaction in the dustcart is the application of the scheme, sensitive to loading. This can minimize power losses of the hydraulic drive in the process of operation, and, in its turn, will improve the efficiency of the hydraulic drive control system of the working elements in different operation modes.</p> Bereziuk Oleh; Alekseev Andriy Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0200 ANALYSIS OF THE CONSTRUCTIVE AND WORKING ELEMENTS OF THE MECHANISMS FOR SOLID MUNICIPAL WASTE LOADING IN THE DUSTCART <p>In cities and town settlements of Ukraine approximately 54&nbsp;mils.&nbsp;m<sup>3 </sup>&nbsp;of solid municipal waste is formed annually, 93.8 % of this volume is transported to the landfills and dumps, 2 % are burnt at the incineration plants and 4.2% are directed to the recycling stations and waste recycling plants. That is why, one of the most important measures, aimed at the protection of the environment is timely collection, transportation, recycling and disposal of SMW. Growing requirements, regarding the quality of services provided to the population, including the sphere of the sanitation of the territories, stipulate high requirement to the equipment, used for these purposes.</p> <p>Paper analysis the constructions and working elements of the mechanisms for solid municipal waste in the dustcart to determine the ways of their improvement. It is necessary for the provision of the municipal service of Ukraine with highly-productive multifunctional dustcarts of the manipulator type for the collection of solid municipal waste. The drive of the working organs of the mechanisms of solid municipal waste loading in the dustcart is hydraulic with the source of supply from the pumping station of the dustcart. The schemes of the domestic and foreign mechanisms for solid municipal waste loading are presented. It is noted that the general drawback of this class of machines is that they are equipped with the hydraulic drive on the base of one nonregulated pump. As a result, if it is necessary to regulate the speed of the working organs motion, part of the working fluid of the pump under high pressure will enter the hydraulic tank across the security valve, causing large unproductive power losses.</p> <p>It has been established that one of the ways of improving the mechanism for solid municipal waste loading into the dustcart is the usage of the scheme, sensitive to loading. This scheme enables to minimize the power losses during hydraulic drive operation, will increase the efficiency factor indices of the control system of the working organs hydraulic drive in different operation modes.</p> Bereziuk Oleh; Javorskyi Vadym Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0200 FUNCTIONAL-COST ANALYSIS OF «DSC» SYSTEM OF MOTOR VEHICLES «BMW» <p>In Ukraine for the implementation of the International System of Quality ISO 9000 it is necessary that the producer uses the methods of the project solutions analysis. Both input and output data must be subject to such analysis. The enterprises which create or develop quality products must apply either standard technologies of functional-cost analysis or use their own technologies. Functional-cost analysis is aimed at provision of needed consumer properties of the object with minimal possible resources expenses at all stages of production process.</p> <p>The paper considers functional-cost analysis of «DSC» system of the motor vehicles «BMW». Functional model of «DSC» system of motor vehicles «BMW» and classification of functions of its functional model is developed.</p> <p>Classification of functions of the functional model of the system «DSC» of the motor vehicle «BMW» is presented. Utility factor of «DSC» system of the motor vehicle «BMW» is determined by constructing the priorities matrix according to the known calculation technique.</p> <p>Aggregated expenses criterion during the design of the engineering or production systems takes into consideration expenses at all the stages of the system life cycle, for the assessment of which matrix of expenses of «DSC» system of the motor vehicles «BMW» is constructed, the expenses coefficient is determined from this matrix.</p> <p>Utility diagram of «DSC» system functions of the motor vehicle «BMW», diagram of functions ranking relatively functional-cost diagram of the system, diagram of the system functions expenses, diagram of system functions ranking relatively expense ratio, diagram of the values of functional cost of the system functions index, diagram of system functions ranking relatively functional cost index have been constructed.</p> <p>According to the constructed diagrams functions of «DSC» system of the motor vehicle «BMW» are determined, which have positive functional-cost index and the highest rating among the considered functions. Operations or functions which have the highest functional-cost index and rank are those operations, improvement of which leads to further development of the system or achieving the objective of the analysis.</p> Borysiuk Dmytro Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0200 MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR THE DETERMINATION OF TECHNICAL STATE OF ELECTRONIC CONTROL SYSTEM OF «KIA CEE'D» MOTOR VEHICLE ENGINE <p>Rapid progress in the sphere of electronics and electrical engineering during last years and decades resulted in drastic increase of the number of electronic components in the motor vehicle. Along with hydraulics and pneumatics electronics penetrated in all the components of modern motor vehicle. Separate electronic components and complex electronic systems become more compact, cheaper and at the same time, more efficient. New possibilities for the application of electronics in the motor vehicle emerge, enabling to enlarge the volume of the available functions.</p> <p>The given study contains the analysis of the methods and means of diagnostics of electronic systems of the automobile transport. It is established that available methods and means of diagnostics of the engine electronic control system do not allow to determine completely the current technical state, it requires the development of mathematical models for their diagnostics.</p> <p>As the object of diagnostics the electronic control system of the motor vehicle «Kia Cee'd» engine was chosen. The research contains the analysis of the components of the control system of motor vehicle «Kia Cee'd», as the object of diagnostics. Replacement of real technical devices by their idealized models enables to apply various mathematical methods. Mathematical model, which represents the system of functional dependences between each diagnostic signal and structural parameter is suggested in general form. Diagnostic matrix, comprising the list of faults and features of faults is composed for the control system of the motor vehicles «Kia Cee'd». By means of the developed mathematical model it is possible to improve information-measuring part of the diagnostic devices software, this enables to perform efficiently diagnostics of the control system of motor vehicles «Kia Cee'd» engines. In the process of mathematical model development it is taken into account that the reverse transformation of the faults features quantity in the quantity of structural parameters (faults) of the object was single-valued.</p> <p>Studies of the suggested mathematical model for the diagnostics of the electronic control system of motor vehicle «Kia Cee'd» engine enable to reveal the faults of the engine systems depending on their features, this will enhance the term of faultless operation both of the engine and transport vehicle.</p> Borysiuk Dmytro; Spirin Anatolyi, Zelinskyi Viacheslav Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0200 DYNAMICS OF THE VOLUMES OF OIL AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS TRANSPORTATION IN UKRAINE <p>In the period of 2003 – 2021 <strong>annual volumes of oil and petroleum products transportation in Ukraine underwent considerable changes</strong>. Determination of regression dependences, describing the dynamics of the volumes of oil and petroleum products transportation in Ukraine is a relevant scientific-engineering problem. Objective of the research is the determination of the regression dependences, which describe the dynamics of the volumes of oil and petroleum products transportation in Ukraine and can be used for the prediction of the needed amount of the transport facilities. In the process of investigations, the method of regression analysis of the results of single-factor experiments and other paired dependences with the selection of rational type of function from the most widely used variants by the criterion of the maximum value of the correlation coefficient was used. Regressions were performed on the base of the linearized transformations, which enable to reduce non-linear dependence to linear ones. Determination of the coefficients of the regression equations was performed, applying the least square method, using the developed computer program "RegAnaliz", protected by the Certificate of state registration of the rights to the copyright object. Adequate regression quadratic dependences, describing the dynamics of the volume of oil and petroleum products transportation in Ukraine by railway and automobile transport have been obtained, they can be used for the prediction of the necessary amount of transport facilities. Graphic dependences describing the dynamics of the volumes of oil and petroleum products transportation in Ukraine and allow to illustrate this dynamics and show the sufficient coincidence of the theoretical results with actual data have been constructed. Using the obtained dependence, it was predicted, that the volumes of oil and petroleum products transportation in Ukraine at the present rates of dynamics in 2025&nbsp;may reach 18 mil. tons for the railway transport and 0.531&nbsp;mil. tons for automobile transport.</p> Bulygin Oleksiy, Falendysh Anatoliy; Bereziuk Oleh Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0200 DETERMINATION OF INTERDEPENDENCES BETWEEN LOADS AND TECHNICAL STATE OF THE MOTOR VEHICLE DURING TRANSPORTATION <p>Load on the transport vehicle is one of the most important parameters, to be taken into account in the process of its operation, as it influences the controllability, stability, operation characteristics and safety of the transport vehicle. <em>Determination</em> <em>of</em> <em>the</em> <em>regressive</em> <em>interdependences</em> <em>between</em> <em>the</em> <em>load</em> <em>and</em> <em>the</em> <em>intensity</em> <em>of</em> <em>the</em> <em>weight</em> <em>wear</em> <em>of</em> <em>the</em> <em>transport</em> <em>vehicle</em> <em>tires</em> <em>in</em> <em>the</em> <em>process</em> <em>of</em> <em>transportation</em> <em>is</em> <em>the</em> <em>relevant</em> <em>scientific</em><em>-</em><em>engineering</em> <em>problem</em>. The objective of the research is the construction by means of regression analysis the regressive interdependences between the load and intensity of the weight wear of the transport vehicle tires during transportation which can be used for the improvement of the safety level and reduction of the risks for the workers, involved in the process of loads transportation. In the process of investigation, method of regressive analysis of the results of single-factor experiments and other paired dependences with the selection of the rational type of function among the most widely spread variants by the criterion of maximum value of the correlation coefficient was used. Regressions were carried out on the base of the linearized transformations. Enabling to reduce the non-linear dependence to linear one. Determination of the coefficients of the regression equations was performed, applying the method of the least squares by means of the developed computer program "RegAnaliz", protected by the Сertificate of the state registration of the rights to the copyright object. Adequate regression interdependences between the loads and technical state of the transport vehicle in the process of transportation have been obtained, they can be used for the improvement of the security level and risks reduction for the workers, involved in the process of cargoes transportation. Graphic interdependences between the loads and the intensity of the weight wear of the transport vehicles tires have been constructed, they enable to illustrate these dependences and show the sufficient convergence of the theoretical results with actual. It is established that with the increase of the longitudinal and transversal forces in the area of the tires contact with the road surface the intensity of the tires wear increases by power dependences. In this case the increase of the intensity of weight wear of the tires as a result of transversal force increase is more intensive than as a result of longitudinal force increase.</p> Degtiar Artur, Falendysh Anatoliy; Bereziuk Oleh Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0200