dump site, landfill, solid domestic waste, biodegradation, dynamics, mass reduction, regression analysisAbstract
In recent years the total area of the solid domestic waste dump sites and landfills, including overloaded ones, which violate the norms of ecological safety and are the objects of the intensive ecological loading has grown. This may cause the pollution of the environment with harmful substances, heavy metals, microorganisms (colibacilli bacteria, streptococci, staphylococci and ascarids), high toxic filtrate, landfill gas, etc.), giving rise to diseases. Determination of the regression dependence of the residual part of solid domestic waste (SDW) per 1 kg on the duration of the biodegradation is an urgent scientific engineering problem. The aim of the research is the determination of the regression dependence of the residual part of SDW per 1 kg on the duration of the biodegradation. During the research the method of the regression analysis of the results of single-factor experiments and other paired dependences with the selection of the best type of the function from sixteen most widely - spread variants by the criterion of the maximum value of the correlation factor is used. Regression was performed on the base of the linearized transformations, which enable to reduce the non-linear dependence to linear one. Determination of the coefficients of the regression equations was carried out, applying the method of the least squares by means of the developed computer program "RegAnaliz", protected by the Certificate of the State Registration of the rights to the copyright object. Adequate regression hyperbolic dependence of the residual part of SDW per 1 kg on the duration of biodegradation, which is used for the forecast of SDW biodegradation duration to certain residual mass has been obtained, it can be used for the determination of the rational periodicity of the landfill site recultivation. Graphic interpretation of the dynamics of the residual part of SDW per 1 kg on the duration of biodegradation, is constructed, it enables to illustrate this dependence and show the sufficient coincidence of the theoretical results with actual results.
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