
  • Bereziuk Oleg Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Kraevskyi Volodymyr Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Bereziuk Ludmila Vinnytsia National Technical University




solid municipal waste, methods of disposal, composting, rate, regression analysis


Composting is the technology of solid municipal waste processing, it is based on the principle of natural biodecomposition, its end product is compost, used in urban management and agriculture. Determination of the regressive dependence that describes the rate of spreading the process of solid municipal waste composting is Ukraine an important scientific engineering problem. Aim of the study is to determine the regressive dependence, describing the rate of solid municipal waste composting spread in Ukraine and can be used for the forecasting the spreading  the solid municipal waste management methods. During the research process the method of regressive analysis of the results of single factoral experiments and other paired dependences was used with the selection of the rational type of the function from sixteen most widely-spread variants by the criterion of the maximum value of the correlation factor. Regression was performed on the base of the linearized transformations, which enable to reduce the non-linear dependence to linear one. Determination of the regression equations coefficients was carried out, applying the method of the least squares, by means of the developed computer program "RegAnaliz", protected by the certificate of the State Registration of the rights to the copyright object. Adequate regression dependence is obtained, it describes the rate of spreading the process of solid municipal waste composting in Ukraine and can be used for the forecasting the spreading of the solid municipal waste management methods. Graphic dependence, describing the rate of spreading solid municipal waste management methods in Ukraine and allows to illustrate this rate, show sufficient coincidence of the theoretic results with actual data is constructed. Using the obtained dependence, it is forecast that in Ukraine the level of composting solid municipal waste, comparable with the level of the EU countries at present rate of growth can be achieved by 2035.

Author Biographies

Bereziuk Oleg, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Assistant Professor with the Chair of Health and Life Safety, Pedagogy of Safety

Kraevskyi Volodymyr, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng), Assistant Professor with the Chair of Higher Mathematics

Bereziuk Ludmila, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dean`s Office Secretary of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Transport


Abstract views: 236



How to Cite

O. Bereziuk, V. Kraevskyi, and L. Bereziuk, “DYNAMICS OF SOLID MUNICIPAL WASTE COMPOSTING SPEADING IN UKRAINE”, Works of VNTU, no. 3, Oct. 2022.



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