
  • Borysiuk Dmytro Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Spirin Anatolyi Separate structural division «Ladyzhyn Professional college of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University»
  • Prysiazhniuk Dmytro Separate structural division «Ladyzhyn Professional college of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University»
  • Tverdokhlib Igor Vinnytsia National Agrarian University



noise, sound, loudness, frequency, intensity, impact, safety, production process, human health, disease


In the conditions of the sophisticated technical equipment, complex mechanization and automation of production, informatization of the society, when the labor productivity depends first all on the skillful use of machines there appears urgent need in the combination of labor with production tools, implementation of such forms and methods of machines maintenance which provide their efficient application on conditions of maintaining the staff health and high productivity.

Some production processes are accompanied by great noise. The sources of the intensive noise on the production site are machines and mechanisms with the unbalanced rotating masses as well as technological units and installations, where the motion of gases and fluids occurs at great speed and is of pulsating character.

The given research applies to the determination of the operation staff safety under the impact of one of the most dangerous factors-noise.

It has been determined that noise as any other factor of the environment, exercises impact on human organism. Studies of biological impact of noise on human organism showed that this impact depends on physical parameters of the sound. It should be noted that this impact depends not only on the spectrum of acoustic frequencies, amplitude and loudness but on the sequence of their emergence and how human can get used to them.

It has been established that as a result of long term impact of noise on human organism normal functioning of cardiac-vascular and nervous system, digestive and hematopoietic organs can be disrupted, professional deafness develops  its further progressing may cause complete hearing loss.

Author Biographies

Borysiuk Dmytro, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Candidate of Science (Engineering), Senior Lecturer with the Department of automobiles and transport management

Spirin Anatolyi, Separate structural division «Ladyzhyn Professional college of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University»

Candidate of Science (Engineering), Associate Professor, acting Head of the Chair of engineering and electroengineering systems in agrarian-industrial complex

Prysiazhniuk Dmytro, Separate structural division «Ladyzhyn Professional college of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University»

Candidate of Science (Engineering), Deputy Director for curriculum

Tverdokhlib Igor, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Candidate of Science (Engineering), Associate Professor, Associate Professor with the Department of general engineering subjects and labor protection


Abstract views: 33



How to Cite

D. Borysiuk, A. Spirin, D. Prysiazhniuk, and I. Tverdokhlib, “NOISE AS ERGONOMIC FACTOR OF THE PRODUCTION PROCESS”, Works of VNTU, no. 4, Oct. 2024.



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