
  • Borysiuk Dmytro Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Zelinskyi Viacheslav Vinnytsia National Technical University



functional-value analysis, system «Common Rail», functional model, classification of functions, utility coefficient, priorities matrix, cost coefficient, value graph, functions ranking diagram, functional-value diagram, expenditure functions diagram


In Ukraine for the implementation of the international system of quality ISO 9000 the manufacturer must use the methods of the project solutions analysis. Such analysis must be subjected both input data of the project and output data. Enterprises, creating or developing quality products apply obligatory either typical technologies of functional-value analysis or use their own technologies. Functional-value analysis is directed at the provision of the necessary consumer characteristics of the object with minimum possible expenditures of the resource at all stages of the production process.

The given paper presents functional-value analysis of «Common Rail» system of «ЯМЗ-5340» series of engines. Functional model of «Common Rail» system of «ЯМЗ-5340» series of engines and the classification of the functions of its functional model has been developed.

Classification of the functions of the functional model of «Common Rail» system of «ЯМЗ-5340»series of engines has been presented. Utility coefficient of «Common Rail» system of «ЯМЗ-5340»series of engines has been determined by means of the priorities matrix construction according to the known calculation technique.

Generalizing criterion of the expenditures for the design of the engineering or production systems takes into account the expenditures at all the stages of the system life cycle, for their assessment input matrix of the system «Common Rail» of «ЯМЗ-5340» series of engines has been constructed, cost  coefficient is determined from this matrix.

Value graph of the system «Common Rail» functions of the «ЯМЗ-5340»series of engines, ranking diagram of the system functions relatively the utility coefficient, functional-value diagram of the system, diagram of system functions expenses, diagram of the system functions ranking relatively expense ratio, diagram of the values of functional value index of the system, diagram of system functions ranking relatively the index of functional value have been constructed.

According to the constructed diagrams functions of the system «Common Rail» of «ЯМЗ-5340» series of engines which have positive functional-value index and the greatest rating from the considered functions have been determined. Operations or functions, having the greatest functional-value index and rank are the operations the improvement of which leads to further development of the system or achieving the aim of the analysis.

Author Biographies

Borysiuk Dmytro, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer with the Chair of Automobiles and Transport Management

Zelinskyi Viacheslav, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Assistant with the Chair of Automobiles and Transport Management


Abstract views: 60



How to Cite

D. Borysiuk and V. Zelinskyi, “FUNCTIONAL-VALUE ANALYSIS OF «COMMON RAIL» SYSTEM OF «ЯМЗ-5340» SERIES OF ENGINES ”, Works of VNTU, no. 1, Feb. 2024.



Machine-Building and Transport



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