
  • Borysiuk Dmytro Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Ognevyi Vitaliyi Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Smirnov Evgeniyi Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Zelinskyi Viacheslav Vinnytsia National Technical University



mathematical model, diagnostics, motor vehicle, steering system, diagnostics matrix, flow-chart, fault, fault feature, Boolean function


Modern motor vehicles can be considered as a dynamic system with a great number of parts, units, assembles. One of the assembles, responsible for the motor vehicle safe motion is steering system. Available methods and means for steering system diagnostics are characterized by low efficiency. For various reasons both declarative and available (supported by the equipment) methods, as a rule, are of low accuracy and are not able to localize the fault. Nowadays, in greater part of cases steering system faults are detected by the external features. It is possible to improve the quality of the steering system diagnostics, also by means of developing new mathematical models of this system operation.

Available methods and means of the steering system diagnostics, as the component of the motor vehicle transport have been analysed. It has been established that the available methods and means of steering system diagnostics do not allow to determine completely its current technical state, thus it is expedient to develop mathematical models of the system units and parts as the object of diagnostics.  

Steering system of the motor vehicle “KrAZ” has been taken as the object of diagnostics. Analysis of the peculiarities of the steering system construction of the motor vehicle “KrAZ” as the object of diagnostics has been presented. Replacement of the real technical parts by their idealized models enables to apply various mathematical methods. Mathematical model, which represents the system of functional dependencies between each diagnostic signal and structural parameters has been suggested in general form. Diagnostic matrix is composed for the steering system of the motor vehicle “KrAZ”, it comprises the list of faults and faults features. By means of the developed mathematical model efficient diagnostic procedure of the steering system of the motor vehicle “KrAZ” can be performed. In the process of the mathematical model development it is taken into account that the inverse transformation of the number of faults features into the number of the structural parameters (faults) of the object will be single-valued.

Study of the suggested mathematical model of steering system diagnostics of “KrAZ” motor vehicles will enable to detect the faults of its units and parts depending on their features, that will considerably increase the term of the fault-free operation of both steering system and transport vehicle.

Author Biographies

Borysiuk Dmytro, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer with the Chair of Automobiles Transport Management

Ognevyi Vitaliyi, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Economics), Associate Professor with the Chair of Automobiles and Transport Management

Smirnov Evgeniyi, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor with the Chair of Automobiles and Transport Management

Zelinskyi Viacheslav, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Assistant with the Chair of Automobiles and Transport Management


Abstract views: 67



How to Cite

D. Borysiuk, V. Ognevyi, E. Smirnov, and V. Zelinskyi, “MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF THE PROCESS OF MOTOR VEHICLE ‘KRAZ’ STEERING SYSTEM DIAGNOSTICS”, Works of VNTU, no. 1, Feb. 2024.



Machine-Building and Transport



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