Сomparison of learning criteria for fuzzy classifier with voting rules
classification, fuzzy knowledge base, learning, voting rules, learning criteria, main competitorsAbstract
In fuzzy classifiers decision-making is based on linguistic rules <If - then>, antecedents of which contain fuzzy terms “low”, “average”, “high” etc. To increase the correctness fuzzy classifier is learned by experimental data. We study a fuzzy classifier with voting rules in which by the result of logic inference is class with maximum total supports by all the rules. New criteria of fuzzy classifier learning are suggested, they take into account the difference of memberships of fuzzy inference only to main competitors. In case of correct classification, main competitor of the taken decision is the class with the second membership degree. In case of incorrect classification, decision, taken by mistake is main competitor of the correct class. Computer experiments, dealing with learning of fuzzy classifier for UCI-problem of Italian wines recognition proved significant advantage of new learning criteria.
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