
  • Eduard Parusov Nekrasov Black Metallurgy Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (BMI NASU).
  • Oleksandr Sychkov Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (MSTU)
  • Svitlana Gubenko National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (NMetAU)
  • Sergiy Malashkin Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (MSTU)
  • Lyudmila Sagura Nekrasov Black Metallurgy Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (BMI NASU)


wire rod in coils, deformation-thermal treatment, Stelmor line, cooling modes


The paper considers design features and composition of the main equipment of Stelmor line used at the most metallurgical enterprises for cooling wire rod in coils. Perspective directions of improving coiled wire rod quality indicators by controlled regulation of structure formation during hot-deformed steel cooling process are determined. Industrial implementation of such rational modes for high-quality wire rod air-cooling makes it possible to achieve significant economic effect at the metalware production stage.

Author Biographies

Eduard Parusov, Nekrasov Black Metallurgy Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (BMI NASU).

Cand. Sc. (Eng. ), head of the Department of Thermal Treatment of Metal for Mechanical Engineering

Oleksandr Sychkov, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (MSTU)

Dc. Sc. (Eng.), Prof., Prof. of the Department of Foundry Engineering and Materials Science

Svitlana Gubenko, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (NMetAU)

Dc. Sc. (Eng.), Prof., Prof. of the Materials Science Department

Sergiy Malashkin, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (MSTU)

Post-graduate student of the Department of Foundry Engineering Processes

Lyudmila Sagura, Nekrasov Black Metallurgy Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (BMI NASU)

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), senior researcher for the Department of Thermal Treatment of Metals for Mechanical Engineering


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