rail road transport, transport system operator, mathematical model, traffic operator, professional training, correctness functionAbstract
The paper presents the mathematic model which reflects various factors of negative impact on the quality of the decisions taken by the operator of the transport system, its components are: professional training, labour conditions and work place organization, operation mode and rest mode, degree of uncertainty of the information, arriving to the operator. The concept of the description of the fault-free operation system is suggested. Algorithm of obtaining different variants of operators labour activity protection against faults emergence and the algorithm of the selection of the most rational variant are determined. Analysis of the results of the social studies regarding the problems of the most labour-consuming operator functions is carried out. On the base of the analysis of the set of factors, which influence the quality of the decisions taken by the operator of the transport system, the system, providing the error-free operation of both train operator and engine-driver is suggested, the base of the system is mathematic model. Mathematic model, simulating the error-free operation of the transportation process and technical facilities with the necessary reliability, is developed. The technique of transport system operator training in order to obtain qualitative training with the needed reliability is highlighted. Reliability dependences of the transport system operator professional training on the number of training cycles and different matrices of transient probabilities are obtained, the approach, regarding the determination the time (training cycles), necessary for achieving the preset training reliability is formed on their base. The parameters of the environment which provide the necessary probability of the correctness function realization by the operator, are determined. Calculations of the resulting function of error-free work of the transport system operator, using all the elements are carried out. Optimal reliability of the operator is determined on the base of consideration of nth number of different variants of the environment parameters and selection of the variant with minimal total expenses.
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