computer model, multilevel voltage inverter, control, solar module, temperatureAbstract
Computer model, including the improved control law of the networking multilevel voltage inverter of solar module is developed, it enables to maintain the operation mode of solar module in the area of maximum power take-off point and takes into consideration solar module temperature value that increases its performance. Computer model of the regulator of longitudinal component of inverter current is suggested, the given module takes into account current and set voltage of the grid and the voltage of solar module, that enables to optimize the operation of the inverter both on the side of solar module and on the side of the grid by the voltage. Computer model of the regulator of inverter current longitudinal component is suggested, this model takes into consideration active power value of grid node and the set value of the longitudinal component of the current, that is necessary for inverter operation in the area of maximum power take-off point, that enables to optimize the inverter operation by the frequency.
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