Mathematical model of the multiparameter generalized n-stage immitance converter


  • Yana Tkachuk Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Svitlana Fursa Vinnytsia National Technical University


field-effect transistor, tripole, generalized immitance converter, multi-electrode unipolar semiconductor structure


The paper develops a mathematical model of the N-stage multiparameter generalized immitance converter, formed by a combination of tripoles. Validation of the model for adequacy has shown its correctness and expediency of its application for designing various types of information devices formed by cascade connection of tripoles.



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Author Biographies

Yana Tkachuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Post-graduate student of the Department of Computer and Telecommunication Equipment Design

Svitlana Fursa, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assist. Prof. of the Department of Computer and Telecommunication Equipment Design


Abstract views: 144



How to Cite

Y. Tkachuk and S. Fursa, “Mathematical model of the multiparameter generalized n-stage immitance converter”, Works of VNTU, no. 2, Nov. 2015.



Radioelectronics and Radioelectronic Equipment Design



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