Method and technology for monitoring and forecasting the atmospheric air condition by means of universal information-measuring system with the applicatin of mobile devices


  • Vitalii Mokin Vinnytsia National Technical University.
  • Dmytro Dziuniak Vinnytsia National Technical University.
  • Konstiantyn Bondaletov Vinnytsia City Council
  • Valentina Oleynik Vinnytsia National Technical University.


ecological monitoring, atmospheric air, motor transport, information-measuring system, mobile devices, GIS, Vinnytsia


The paper considers urgent problem of monitoring and prediction of the atmospheric air condition in the city, where the main factor of pollution is motor vehicle emissions on the highways. The developed new method and technology for solving this problem are based on the application of a universal information-measuring system, built on the basis of mobile devices for monitoring and controlling the atmospheric air condition and the sources of its pollution. An experiment to test this technology, conducted in the streets of Vinnytsia, has confirmed its efficiency. 

Author Biographies

Vitalii Mokin, Vinnytsia National Technical University.

Dc. Sc. (Eng.), Prof., Head of the Department of Computer-aided Economic and Ecological Monitoring and Engineering Graphics

Dmytro Dziuniak, Vinnytsia National Technical University.

Post-graduate student of the Department of Computer-aided Economic and Ecological Monitoring and Engineering Graphics

Konstiantyn Bondaletov, Vinnytsia City Council

Software engineer of the Information Technologies Department

Valentina Oleynik, Vinnytsia National Technical University.

Student of the Institute of the Environmental Safety and Monitoring


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Abstract views: 195



How to Cite

V. Mokin, D. Dziuniak, K. Bondaletov, and V. Oleynik, “Method and technology for monitoring and forecasting the atmospheric air condition by means of universal information-measuring system with the applicatin of mobile devices”, Works of VNTU, no. 4, Mar. 2016.



Information Technologies and Computer Engineering



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