Transient complex circuits, kirchhoff’s laws and the сomponent relations in complex-temporal form of representation


  • Yuriy Vedmitskiy Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Vasyl Kukharchuk Vinnytsia National Technical University


electric circuit, transient process, Cauchy problem, complex–symbolic method, instantaneous complex currents and voltages, Kirchhoff’s laws, component relations, differential equations of motion, switching laws in complex form


Notion of transient complex scheme of electric circuit is suggested and developed in the paper, its basic properties – Kirchhoff’s laws and component relations in complex-temporal form of representation are determined. They in their unity are principle elements of theoretical basis of symbol-classic method of Cauchy problem solution, formulated in terms of instantaneous complex currents and voltages for
calculation of transient processes in linear electric circuits of sinusoidal and periodic non- sinusoidal currents.


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Author Biographies

Yuriy Vedmitskiy, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assistant Professor with the Chair of Theoretical Electric Engineering and Electric Measurements

Vasyl Kukharchuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dc. Sc. (Eng.), Prof., Head of the Chair of Theoretical Electric Engineering and Electric Measurements


Abstract views: 176



How to Cite

Y. Vedmitskiy and V. Kukharchuk, “Transient complex circuits, kirchhoff’s laws and the сomponent relations in complex-temporal form of representation”, Works of VNTU, no. 1, Nov. 2015.



Energetics and Electrical Engineering



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